Naturopathic Services

A lot of people suffer mentally, physically, emotionally. We have become victims of our own abuse in all these areas. We can suffer from a limited belief system and made-up stories we tell ourselves. We suffer from fear or anger, resentment, guilt or shame.

The #1 thing our 'body' suffers from is Toxemia and Malnutrition. This is the root of all disease - toxic foods, drinks, chemicals and even thoughts/emotions, along with lack of adequate Life-Giving Nourishment on all these levels.

At Natural Wellness Ministries, we offer life-changing programs and services that have consistently helped people around the world cleanse, repair, and rebuild their health to obtain optimal vitality.


  • Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

    As you begin your wellness journey, I can assist you through your own very personal experience. My goal is to empower you with the vast amount of information I have learned on this journey and offer you key steps to return balance, wholeness, and healing to your life with proven protocols and therapeutic services and supplementation.

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